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Pension Calculator

Pension insurance


General information

A key objective of the three-pillar pension model is to combine the advantages of the pay-as-you-go and capital systems to provide retirement income that replaces a significant portion of pre-retirement income.


What is a three-pillar pension system?

In 2000, a three-pillar pension system was launched in Bulgaria. The three-pillar system in Bulgaria combines the advantages of the pay-as-you-go system (the state pension system - Pillar I) and the capital systems (Pillar II, which operates through universal and professional funds, and Pillar III, supplementary voluntary pension insurance).

The pay-as-you-go system is based on the principle of intergenerational solidarity. This means that those working today, through contributions and taxes, ensure the payment of pensions to current pensioners. The deterioration in the demographic structure also means a reduction in the number of workers, which poses serious challenges for the state social security system to pay adequate pensions in the future.

It is for this reason that the importance of funded systems, which by exploiting the opportunities of capital markets aim to increase the paid-up capital of insured persons, is growing. Under the capital principle, funds accumulate in an individual account and are owned by the insured. The amount of the pension is determined according to the amount of the funds accumulated in the account and in accordance with the rules of the pension fund concerned. The capital systems have been introduced in the countries with the best pension provision in Europe: The Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland, The United Kingdom, etc.


How does the pension system work?

The state pension system (Pillar I) is supplemented by a supplementary compulsory pension scheme - the supplementary statutory pension scheme (Pillar II), which operates through universal and professional funds, and a supplementary voluntary pension scheme - the supplementary voluntary pension scheme (Pillar III), which operates through voluntary pension funds. Thus, in addition to the state pension, you can now also receive additional pensions from the supplementary pension funds.

Details on the functioning of the three-pillar pension system can be found in the pension portal Pensiopedia.bg.

Three-pillar pension system in Bulgaria

Pillar 1
  • State social insurance
  • Cost-based principle
  • Contributions determined by regulatory act
  • Administered by the State: Pension Fund/Pension Fund for persons under Article 69
Pillar 2
  • Supplementary compulsory insurance
  • Capital principle
  • Defined contributions
  • Two types of private pension funds: UPF and PPF (for employees in employment categories 1 and 2)
Pillar 3
  • Supplementary voluntary insurance
  • Capital principle
  • Defined contributions
  • Voluntary pension funds

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the advantages of the three-pillar pension system?

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The three-pillar pension system allows you to receive a supplementary pension from a supplementary compulsory pension fund (Pillar II - Universal Pension Fund and Professional Pension Fund), as well as a pension from a supplementary voluntary pension fund (Pillar III - Voluntary Pension Fund).

If you use all forms of pension insurance, you can secure a good level of income in your post-retirement years.

Is it compulsory to join a Universal Pension Fund and a Professional Pension Fund?

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If you were born after 31.12.1959, you must be insured, in addition to the Pension Fund of the State Social Insurance (Pillar I - State Social Insurance), in the Universal Pension Fund for a second pension (Pillar II - Supplementary Compulsory Pension Insurance).

Those born after 31.12.1959 can also be insured in the Professional Pension Fund if they work in Category I or II.

Persons born before 01.01.1960 are insured only in the Pension Fund of the State Social Insurance (Pillar I - State Social Insurance) and have the possibility to be insured also in the Professional Pension Fund (Pillar II - PPF) if they work under the conditions of category I or II work.

All activities in categories I and II of work are described in detail in the Ordinance on the classification of work in retirement. For more information, see the Social Security Code.

What is the amount of the contribution to the Universal Pension Fund and the Professional Pension Fund?

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The amount of the contribution to the Universal Pension Fund (UPF) and the Professional Pension Fund (PPF) is determined annually in the Law on the Budget of the State Social Insurance.


If you are employed, the amount of the monthly contribution to the Universal Pension Fund set for 2025 is 5% of your insurance income, of which 2.8% is paid by your employer and the remaining 2.2% is paid by you.


If you are self-employed, the contributions to the Universal Pension Fund are entirely at your own expense.


For civil servants, contributions are covered entirely by the employer (the state).


If you work in category I or II, the contribution to the Professional Pension Fund is entirely at the expense of the employer. The rate for 2024 is 12% of the insurance income for category I work and 7% of the insurance income for category II work.


When and how should you choose a Universal Pension Fund?

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If you don't choose a pension company to manage your second pension funds within three months of starting your first job, you will be allocated by the National Revenue Agency (NRA) to one of the supplementary pension companies. 

It is important to choose a pension company that will manage your money responsibly and professionally in the years leading up to retirement.

When can you change the Universal Pension Fund you are in?

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The funds in the individual account can be transferred to another pension fund if 1 year has passed since your last transfer (the 1-year time limit applies both from the last change of participation and from the conclusion of the first insurance contract, service allocation, or resumption of insurance in the UPF under Article 124a of the Social Security Code).

Persons born after 31 December 1959 (according to the amendments to the Social Security Code adopted at the end of July 2015) who are insured in a universal pension fund may change their insurance by directing their contributions to the State Pension Fund (respectively, to the Pension Fund for persons referred to in Article 69*). The change from the insurance in the UPRF to the insurance in the Pension Fund, respectively the Fund "Pensions for persons under Article 69" of the Social Security Code*, and vice versa, may be made repeatedly, but after the expiry of at least 1 year from the last change of insurance. The final choice must be made as follows:

▶ from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2025 - up to 1 year before the age referred to in Art. 68 para. 1;

▶ from 1 January 2026 to 31 December 2030 - up to 2 years before the age referred to in Article 68(1) of the Social Security Code;

▶ from 1 January 2031 to 31 December 2035 - up to 3 years before the age referred to in Art. 68 par. 1 of the Social Security Code;

▶ from 1 January 2036 to 31 December 2037 - up to 4 years before the age referred to in Article 68(1) of the Social Security Code;

▶ after 1 January 2038 - up to 5 years before the age referred to in Art. 68 par. 1 of the Social Security Code.

and provided that no pension has been granted.


How is the amount of pension you will receive from the Universal Pension Fund determined?

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The pension is determined by the accumulated amount in the individual insurance account, i.e. by the amount of contributions received during the insurance period, their number and the yield realised by the pension fund managing the funds, as well as by the biometric tables approved by the Financial Supervision Commission and the technical interest rate used by pension funds.

When is the best time to start contributing to a supplementary voluntary pension scheme?

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In the case of supplementary voluntary pension insurance, the final outcome depends entirely on how much a person has managed to accumulate by the time he or she decides to retire. From this point of view, this pension depends mainly on three things - the amount of contributions, the period of insurance and the investment income.

The earlier you start contributing to a voluntary pension fund, the greater the possibility that in the years after retirement your pension will make up a significant percentage of your final salary.

What tax advantages can you benefit from when contributing to a voluntary pension fund?

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The annual tax base shall be reduced by the personal contributions made during the calendar year up to a total of 10% of the tax base. The monthly tax base for income from employment shall be reduced by the personal contributions made during the month through the employer up to a total of 10% of the monthly tax base.

For information, see the Social Security Code and the Personal Income Tax Act (Article 254 of the Social Security Code and Article 19(1) and (2) of the Personal Income Tax Act).

What information does the value of a unit give you for a specific date?

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Your individual insurance account is kept in units in addition to the BGN.

All contributions that enter your account are accounted for in units and fractions of units. Each unit represents a proportionate part of the net assets of the fund. The value of a unit on a particular date enables you to calculate the amount of funds in euro in your account on that date.

You need to multiply the number of units that make up your account by the value per unit. You can find the value per unit in the Value per unit section.

What changes can you make to your supplementary voluntary pension insurance contract?

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If you wish, you can change the following parameters in your supplementary voluntary pension insurance contract at any time:

  • contribution amount;
  • frequency of payment of the contribution;
  • the persons named as heirs under the contract.


You can complete an amendment to your supplementary voluntary pension contract by:

  • visit our office:
  • requesting an appointment with one of our advisers in the Customer Contact Centre on freephone 0800 11 464.


How can you access information about your funds online?

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You can access your batch online in one of the following ways:

  • by visiting our office;
  • by completing the "Personal Data Update Request Form" and emailing it to clients@ubb-pensions.bg, signed with your personal electronic signature.

Having any problem with the Digital Portal?

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Contact us on freephone 0800 11 464 or email us at clients@ubb-pensions.bg for assistance.

Which account can you contribute to the Voluntary Pension Fund?

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Bank: Unicredit Bulbank

IBAN: BG70 UNCR 9660 1004 3606 03


How can you transfer to the Universal Pension Fund UBB?

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You can apply for a transfer by:

  • visit our office;
  • completing the "Application for Change of Participation" and "UPF Contract" documents and emailing them to clients@ubb-pensions.bg, signed with your personal electronic signature;
  • contact us free on 0800 11 464 to arrange a meeting with one of our advisers at a time and place convenient to you.

How to update your personal data?

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Contact us on freephone 0800 11 464 and we will assist you.

What do the minus sign contributions on your account mean?

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Transactions with a minus sign represent offsets, i.e. contributions that are initially remitted by the NRA and then offset (reversed) by the NRA in subsequent payments.

If you see transactions with a negative sign on your statement, this means that such offsets have also been made on your account.

Reasons for this could be data corrections made by your employer. Corrections can be made until 30 April of the year following the year to which they relate at the latest, and after that date only with the express permission of the NRA or the National Social Security Institute.

If you want to know the specific reasons why adjustments have been made to your contributions, you can make an enquiry to the NRA.

How are the contributions to your individual Universal Pension Fund account transferred?

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Your employer is obliged to transfer the social security contributions to the National Revenue Agency (NRA) by the 25th of the month following the month in which the work was performed.

The employer must also submit a declaration of your working days and wages within this period. Self-employed persons submit their declaration individually.  

This information allows the NRA to individualise the contributions for each insured person. The NRA must transfer the employer's contribution to the UBB Universal Pension Fund account within 30 days of receipt. Upon receipt, UBB Universal Pension Fund will credit the amount received to your individual account.


When can you use the funds accumulated in your account?

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The terms and conditions are determined by the pension fund you are in.

  • The funds in the UBB Universal Pension Fund are earmarked for the payment of a supplementary old-age pension for life. It will start to be paid when you reach the retirement age referred to in Art. 68, par. 1 of the Social Security Code. Its payment may also start up to one year before that, provided that the accumulated funds in your individual account allow for the granting of a pension in an amount not less than the minimum amount of the retirement pension under Article 68(1) of the Social Security Code. If you have a permanent disability for life of more than 89.99%, you may receive a lump sum of up to 50% of the amount accumulated in your account. 
  • Insurance in the UBB Professional Pension Fund entitles you to a fixed-term professional pension for early retirement. If you have a permanent disability for life of more than 89.99%, you can receive a lump sum of up to 50% of the amount accumulated in the account.
  • The funds accumulated in the individual account in the UBB Voluntary Pension Fund from personal contributions can be withdrawn at any time. A tax of 10% may be withheld on these funds. The amounts are taxable only if the client who withdraws funds from his/her VPF account has benefited from tax benefits and withdraws funds without being in an insured case, i.e. there is no pension or Labour-Еxpert Medical Commission decision above 50%. If the customer withdraws funds from his/her account and is in an insurable case (i.e. has a pension or Labour-Еxpert Medical Commission decision above 50%), whether or not he/she has taken tax relief on the input, he/she is not subject to charges and deductions by the pension company.
  • You can only receive the funds accumulated from employer contributions when you become eligible for a retirement pension under the Social Security Code, up to 5 years before, or if you have a permanent disability over 50%, regardless of the duration of the Labour-Еxpert Medical Commission decision.

State social insurance (SSI)

The first pillar performs its functions through the Fund "Pensions" of the State Social Insurance (SSI).

The funds for pensions of modern pensioners are mainly raised through compulsory contributions from people who are currently working. The state social security pension depends mainly on the number of contributors and the amount of their contributions at the time of retirement. In addition, the amount of the pension also depends on the number of people receiving state social security funds at that time. This is the solidarity principle of insurance - the working generation provides the pension income of the non-working generation.

Factors such as negative population growth, declining birth rates, unemployment, declining collection of social security contributions are among the reasons why the state pension is not sufficient to meet our needs in the years after retirement. We can therefore add to the state pension the additional forms of insurance - supplementary compulsory pension insurance and voluntary pension insurance.

The first pillar of the pension system is administered by the state. The budget of the State Social Insurance (SSI) is adopted by the Law on the Budget of the SSI and is in force for one calendar year (from 1 January to 31 December), with separate budgets for the following funds: "Pensions,  "Non-employment Pensions", "Professional Accident and Sickness", "General Sickness and Maternity" and "Unemployment".

In 2024, the amounts and the distribution of the contributions to the Pension Fund, the Social Insurance Fund, the Unemployment Insurance Fund and the health insurance contribution shall remain unchanged.

The contribution to the Pension Fund for persons working in Category III employment, born before 1960 (as well as for those born after 1960, who have exercised the right to opt for insurance under Article 4b of the Social Security Code) shall be 19.8%, of which 8.78% shall be borne by the insured person and 11.02% by the insurer; the contribution to the Pension Fund for persons working under the conditions of category III employment born after 1960 shall be as follows (and provided that they have not exercised the right to opt for insurance under Article 4b of the Social Security Code), shall remain at 14.8%, of which 6.58% shall be borne by the insured person and 8.22% by the insurer.

Contributions for 2025

Contributions to the State Social Insurance funds for category III employees born after 31.12.1959, insured for all insurance risks

At the expense of the employer
At the expense of the employee
Total insurance contribution (%)
State Social Insurance (SSI) 13,72 % + % PAS 10,58 % 24,3 % + % PAS
Fund "Pensions" 8,22 % 6,58 % 14,8 %
Fund "General Sickness and Maternity" 2,1 % 1,4 % 3,5 %
Фонд "Professional Accident and Sickness" (PAS) from 0,4 % to 1,1 % from 0,4 % to 1,1 %
Фонд "Unemployment" 0,6 % 0,4 % 1 %
Suplementary Compulsary Pension Insurance (SCPI) 2,8 % 2,2 % 5 %
Total 18,52 % + % PAS 13,78 % 32,3 % + % PAS


Who is entitled to a pension?

Entitlement to a retirement pension from the Pension Fund is acquired if two conditions are met simultaneously *:
For 2025:
  • Age - the retirement age is 64 years and 8 months for men and 62 years and 4 months for women;
  • Pensionable service - 39 years and 8 months for men and 36 years and 8 months for women.

* As of 31 December 2016, the retirement age for women shall be increased from the first day of each calendar year thereafter until 31 December 2029 by 2 months for each calendar year and from 1 January 2030 by 3 months for each calendar year until the age of 65.

For men, the retirement age shall be increased by 2 months until 31 December 2017, and from 1 January 2018 by 1 month for each calendar year until the age of 65.

As from 31 December 2016, the contributory retirement age for both men and women shall be increased by 2 months from the first day of each calendar year thereafter until reaching a contributory retirement age of 37 years for women and 40 years for men.


Supplementary compulsory pension insurance (SCPI)

The second pillar, the Supplementary Compulsory Pension Insurance (SCPI), is designed to provide a second pension in addition to the pension from the State Social Insurance.

The second pillar operates through Universal (UPF) and/or Professional pension funds (PPF), which are established and managed by private pension insurance companies. Contributions to these funds are determined by law and are collected together with contributions to the State Social Insurance (SSI).

Who can be insured?
In the PFP and PPF are compulsory insured:
  • All persons born after 31.12.1959 (in UPF)
  • Persons working under the conditions of Ist and IInd category of work* (in PPF)

* These are people who work in harsher conditions or working environments - for example, miners, divers, pilots, public transport drivers and others. All activities in work categories I and II are described in detail in the Regulation on work categorisation in retirement.

The contribution rate for 2025 is 5% of the insurance income:

2,2% At the expense of the employee
(in case of employment contract)
2,8% At the expense of the employeer

Since the maximum monthly amount of the insurance income is currently limited (BGN 3 750), the amount of the monthly contribution to the PF cannot exceed BGN 187,50 regardless of the income at the time of insurance.

Professional pension fund contribution rate for 2025

The contribution to the professional pension fund shall be fully borne by the employer/employer and shall be in the following amount:

12% For I category of work
12% on the insurance income
7% For II category of work
7% on the insurance income

Persons working under the conditions of I and II category of work:
- born before 01.01.1960 shall be insured only in an occupational fund;
- born after 31.12.1959, shall be insured in both occupational and universal pension funds.


- A worker may be insured in only one universal fund and one occupational pension fund.

- Contributions to the compulsory pension funds are paid by the employer into an account with the NRA, which transfers them to the fund chosen by the insured person. In case of unjustified delay in the transfer of contributions, the NRA shall pay statutory interest, which shall be allocated to the individual accounts of the persons.

- Contributions to the PPF are not taxable but are recognised as an expense of the employer's business under the Corporate Income Tax Act.

Minimum return on supplementary compulsory pension funds

- Under the Social Security Code, requirements are established for the UPF and the PPF to achieve a minimum return on the investment of the fund's resources.

- The minimum return for the universal and professional pension funds is determined at the end of each quarter on the basis of the weighted average of the returns achieved over the previous 24 months for all the UPFs and PPFs in the country. The minimum return shall be 60% of the average return so determined or 3 percentage points less than the average, whichever is the lesser.

- If the yield realised by the pension company falls below the minimum yield, the company shall top up the funds in the individual accounts of the insured persons up to the minimum yield with funds from a specially formed reserve in the fund and in the company. This reserve shall not compensate for the insured persons' losses in the event of negative returns being realised. This reserve is intended to reduce insured persons' losses in the event that the return on the fund in which the person is insured is much lower than the industry average.

- The reserve in the pension company is formed from the company's own funds in the amount of 0.5% of the value of the assets of the respective pension fund (UPF or PPF). Where the company's profitability is lower than the average, the difference up to the minimum profitability is covered by the company's minimum profitability guarantee reserve.

- With effect from 2021 and in accordance with the requirements of the Social Security Code, the Company shall establish a reserve to guarantee the amount of gross contributions of all insured persons to the UPF. This reserve has been formed from the Company's own funds and amounts to 0.5% of the value of the assets of the UPF.

- At retirement, if the funds accumulated in the individual account of the person are lower than the gross contributions paid by the NRA for the entire period of insurance, the company shall make up the difference up to the amount of the gross contributions with funds from the reserve guaranteeing the amount of the gross contributions.

- In the event of a change of participation from UBB Pensions to another company during the period of insurance where the funds of the person are lower than the gross contributions for the period of insurance, the Company shall, together with the funds accumulated in the individual account of the person, transfer to the new company a reserve of 0.5% of the account.


Supplementary voluntary pension insurance (SVPI)

The third pillar of the pension system in Bulgaria is the voluntary form of pension insurance. It gives you the option of a third, additional pension. By contributing to a voluntary pension fund, you can build up funds in your personal account. By adding it to the first and second pillars of insurance, you can now dream more peacefully about the things you want for yourself after retirement.

Who can be insured?

Supplementary voluntary pension insurance works on a funded basis. If you're over 16, you can take out or be taken out.

The insurance could be individual, from the employer or for the benefit of a third party. As with compulsory voluntary insurance, the amount of the pension depends mainly on the amount of money accumulated in the individual account.

Какви са предимствата?

Extremely flexible form of insurance

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In the case of a voluntary pension, there is no compulsory contribution amount; everyone can choose how much to contribute, how often and even when to withdraw it.

Contributions to a voluntary pension fund benefit from tax relief

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  • In the case of voluntary pension insurance with personal contributions, individuals benefit from a tax relief of up to 10% of the tax base.
  • Income from the investment of pension fund assets allocated to the account is not subject to tax, regardless of whether a pension entitlement has been acquired.
  • Where amounts are paid out after entitlement to a pension has vested, the funds are not subject to income tax.
  • Employer contributions of up to BGN 60 per month per employee are recognised as an operating expense provided that at the time of remittance the employer is not liable for tax and National Insurance payments. Employer contributions in excess of BGN 60 are recognised as an expense, and the amount in excess of BGN 60 is subject to a 10% tax on expenses under the Income Tax Act.

Opportunity to receive your accumulated funds in case you decide to retire early

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With employer contributions, you have the advantage of having your own money if you decide to retire early. Their payment is not linked to age requirements. If a person becomes entitled to a retirement pension (under Article 68(1-3) of the Social Security Code) and up to five years before the age of entitlement, he or she has the option of a lump sum or deferred payment of the accumulated funds in the individual account or receiving the funds in the form of a pension.


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In the case of a voluntary pension fund, the funds accumulated in the account are inherited. You have the opportunity to designate in advance the people who will inherit your funds.