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Investment and statistics

With the help of UBB Pension Insurance, you can rest assured that your financial future is well protected. We take a responsible approach to managing your funds, complying with the law and our internal policies, and avoiding conflicts of interest.

We make sure our investments achieve long-term returns with minimal risk. Because our goal is your financial security to provide you with a better life.

KBC Group is among the leaders in asset management in Europe and Asia. In Bulgaria, UBB Pensions promotes the best of global expertise, relying on the company's transparency and the exceptional professionalism of its investment advisors.

UBB Pensions employs a team of managers with extensive experience in investing across asset classes and portfolios. The asset management of UBB Pensions' pension funds is based on an investment policy which is developed in conjunction with consultants from KBC Group, adopted by the KBC Group Regional Asset Management Committee and approved by the Company's Board of Directors.


Custodian Bank Unicredit Bulbank
Investment intermediaries

First Financial Brokerage House

Cowen Execution Services Limited

TD Global Finance Unlimited Company

Investment policy

The main objective of our investment policy is to increase the amount of the insured funds in the pension funds managed by the Company in the long term. Realised returns should be above the rate of inflation in order to preserve the purchasing power of your savings in years to come. We seek a reasonable balance between risk and return.

How are your funds invested?

Accumulated funds are invested in accordance with the requirements and restrictions imposed by the Social Security Code, regulations, and UBB Pension's investment policy. As part of the investment process, UBB Pension assesses and manages a range of risks associated with the management of assets. Examples of such risks are: credit risk, market risk (including interest rate risk, currency risk, equity investment risk, credit spread risk and real estate investment risk), liquidity risk, operational risk and others. Drawing on the experience of the KBC Group and its investment risk management policy, UBB Pension introduces additional quantitative and qualitative limits that provide more effective protection of your interests. This ensures transparency of the investment process, full monitoring of risks and a timely response to adverse market developments.

In order to reduce risks, the company optimally allocates its investments between different financial instruments and markets. More information on the diversification of assets under management by fund can be found on the "Investment portfolio structure" page.

The specific parameters of UBB's fund investment policy can be found below.


Distributed yield

Yield and risk of the funds for Suplementary Compulsary Pension Insurance, Life Annuity Fund and Temporary Annuity Fund, managed by UBB Pensions for a period of 5 years (2018-2022)

Pension Fund
Average-geometric yield for the period
Voluntary PF UBB

Investment Risk2

Sharpe Ratio3































Universal PF UBB Yield1
Investment Risk2
Sharpe Ratio3































Professional PF UBB Yield1
Investment Risk2
Sharpe Ratio3































Life Annuity Fund UBB Yield4
Investment Risk5




Term Annuity Fund UBB Yield4
Investment Risk5







1 The nominal yields for 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 are calculated based on the change in the value of one unit for the respective year, according to the methodology of the Financial Supervision Commission (FSC).

2 The investment risk is calculated using the standard deviation of returns as per the FSC methodology.

3 Sharpe Ratio values are disclosed only if the nominal return achieved is higher than the risk-free return for the relevant year. The Sharpe Ratio is calculated according to the FSC methodology.

The returns shown are not necessarily linked to future performance. The value of a unit is subject to daily reassessment, and this value may increase but may also decrease. The return on investment of the funds is reflected in the change in the value of a unit and the Company does not guarantee a positive return. For the professional and voluntary pension funds, the company does not guarantee the retention in full of the funds paid into the individual accounts.


4 Returns for 2022 are calculated according to the methodology of the Financial Supervision Commission (FSC).

5 The investment risk is calculated using the standard deviation of returns according to the FSC methodology.

The UBB Life Annuity Fund and the UBB Term Annuity Fund are registered in the Bulstat Register and were approved by the FSC on 12.10.2021 and 05.10.2021 respectively, therefore the information disclosed for them is for 2022 only.

The stated yields are not necessarily related to future performance. The investment return on the funds is reflected in the change in value of the financial instruments held by the funds and the Company does not guarantee the achievement of positive returns.


Changes in the principal investment objectives and restrictions during the period for which results are disclosed can be found in the investment policies of the respective funds.

Return calculation formulae (available in Bulgarian on Bulgarian part of this website)

 Explanation of the meaning of return and investment risk indicators used in the disclosure of the investment performance of supplementary pension funds (available in Bulgarian on Bulgarian part of this website)

Explanation of the significance of the performance and investment risk indicators used in the disclosure of the investment performance of superannuation funds (available in Bulgarian on Bulgarian part of this website)

Methodology for calculating the performance and risk indicators for supplementary pension funds (available in Bulgarian on Bulgarian part of this website)

Methodology for the calculation of return and risk indicators for pension funds (available in Bulgarian on Bulgarian part of this website)


Until 01.07.2004 (the date of entry of the value units) the return of the pension funds managed by "Pension Insurance Company UBB" EAD for a one-year period is calculated in accordance with DAON Guideline #3 dated 21.02.2001.

Monthly change in unit value

Value per unit of the Supplementary Compulsory Pension Funds, managed by UBB Pension Insurance, for the period 29.12.2017 - 30.11.2022

  • Voluntary Pension Fund UBB
  • Professional Pension Fund UBB
  • Universal Pension Fund UBB

These results do not necessarily relate to future outcomes.


Source: http://www.fsc.bg/

Structure of the investment portfolio

This section is available in Bulgarian on the Bulgarian part of the website!